~/about $
- 2021
c c

Well I started with C and C++ in my early days and then moved onto dynamic langauge like python and javascript I used to follow Coding train on youtube a alot where I think I truly started enjoying writing code.

- 2022

Then abit of Object Oriented Programming in Java. Well I didn't fully graps the OOPs concept until I started working on a partical system in Javascript which was a real eye opener for me. from that point on doing projects have become a very reliable way of learning although there are may unfinished projects but I have learned a lot from them.

- 2023

And from that point lots of hackathons, projects coding contests and ended up winning a few of them. By now I have really have strong hold on development using React, Nextjs or Svelte and as for the Backend Nodejs and GO

- 2024

Currently I am really liking go for simplicity and the performance it offers. I really want to get better in Go.

Now that you know my past present and future plans, This is where you can find me, Let me know if you have any cool ideas

I don't know any dark magic